Monday, July 6, 2009

A little R&R R&B style

Happy Belated Fourth to everyone! Ours was certainly quiet up here in Canada, but we did enjoy a hike to celebrate the day.
Well, we've been on the road just two weeks now. This last week (housesitting) was a wonderful way to spend a lot of time reading, chilling, eating nutella by the jar, having it be light outside until 10pm, and discovering our new found love of hammock chairs. I seriously thought those chairs were strange when I'd seen them before, but oh my...after hours logged in one this week, I can attest to their wonderfulness. One little known fact for all you nature lovers out there...Vancouver Island has the highest number of incidents of mountain lion/people encounters of anywhere in North America. Yeah...didn't know that before I boarded the ferry. Let's just say that I didn't spend a lot of quality alone time outside at night watering the gardens we were taking care of. :) But don't let that keep you away. This place is beautiful! We have spent time in the mountains where we did an idyllic hike near Mount Washington, and we have also walked along the beach where we saw the coolest marine life in the tidal pools all around. (nevermind that despite the fantastic weather we've had all week, we chose the day it was pouring rain to peruse the shoreline, but Rodney assured me that it was probably the rain the resulted in such great wildlife viewing. ever the optimist, that one.)
We also got to sample some locally caught prawns and they were awesome. The people here have been really pleasant and we have enjoyed getting to talk with some of them and learn more about life here in the Comox Valley. They are funny though...we told one lady that we were driving to Alaska, and she said, "How did you end up on the island? The road doesn't go here." Yes indeed. I think that is kind of our theme for this trip. We aren't exactly sure where the road is going to take us, but we are having fun following whichever ones are in front of us.
For those of you who have been waiting for more of the wild report, just wait. We are leaving here, swinging through Vancouver to see a friend, and then off to northern British Columbia. We'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Your trip sounds fantastic so far. Oh, and Nutella--don't get me started. I refuse to keep it in the house for fear that I'll eat an entire jar in one sitting :)
